Disasters Class: Assignment 1
Even though tuberculosis and car accidents each killed more people than polio in the mid-20th century, polio remains an important historical case study–on several levels–for a “Disasters” class.
What changes did polio, and then its eradication, bring about in American society? Focusing either on technology (including public health/sanitation) or on social change, write a three paragraph response that has a clear, original argument.
Please use formal English and write as though you would in a short academic paper. Put a line of white space between your paragraphs–indentations do not show up in the comments.
Once you’re done with your response, go to Blackboard and find the two folders under Course Documents named “vaccine articles.” If your last name begins with a letter from A through H, read the 8 articles in the first folder. If your last name is from I to Z, read the 8 articles in the second folder. When you’ve finished reading those, return to the comments and find one comment (written by another person) that has an argument which could be useful in analyzing or understanding one or more of the articles you just read.
Comments will not be visible right away. They will appear after the deadline for the assignment–tomorrow at 10am.
(For those not in the class, please note that this discussion is in response to the PBS documentary “The Polio Crusade” and the Smithsonian’s website on the history of polio.)
Note: Bracketed text in the comments is text I added or significantly corrected–in other words, alterations from the student’s original essay. My objective is to make your blog comments a useful learning resource for the class and anyone else on the web who may come across them later. I want to ensure we put as little misinformation out on the web as possible.